Website Services Performed:
The Problem
The Nine was recently given the opportunity to develop Alabama IFC’s new website. James Sadowski, Vice President of Recruitment and Pi Kappa Phi member, said that the main purpose of the website redesign was to give Alabama IFC a refreshed aesthetic that also functioned to create an easier, more interactive platform for parents, students, and potential new members. He was extrem
ely pleased with how the site turned out.
The Outcome
The site serves as an informational resource for prospective and current fraternity members and their parents. Visitors can access affiliated chapter profiles, grade reports, events calendars, recruitment information, general updates, and hazing prevention resources. It’s launch comes just in time for recruitment kick-off in August.
An interactive campus map also allows website visitors to locate the fraternity house. Each house it marked by the chapter's seal. From here, visitors can read up on the history and other important information from each of the chapter's individual profiles.
Client Testimony
“Our experience with The Nine was fantastic,” Sadowski said. “Their customer service simply cannot be beat. John and Sam were there for us every step of the way to ensure our website was top notch. We really appreciate all of the hard work and are thrilled with the results. We are glad to be able to support a local business.”
A stroll down Tuscaloosa’s University Boulevard showcases The University of Alabama's campus culture. Bryant Denny Stadium casts its iconic shadow on The Walk of Champions. Banners hanging from grand columns broadcast national recognition for collegiate programs. Denny Chimes tolls over the great expanse of The Quad, where students, tailgaters and squirrels coexist on Saturdays in the fall. Yet a piece as integral to The University of Alabama puzzle as athletics and academics is symbolized by a long stretch of stunning mansions that boast a rich history of campus involvement.
For more than 150 years, fraternities have excelled in academics, leadership, athletics, and service at UA. Alabama Interfraternity Council (IFC) serves as the governing body of its 32 affiliate chapters, serving its members by sponsoring several enriching programs throughout the year. IFC constantly works with the Panhellenic Association, National Pan-Hellenic Council, and United Greek Council to further strengthen and support the UA Greek community's values and vision.
As a collaborative organization, Alabama IFC exists “to create, maintain, and perpetuate better relationships among the men’s social fraternities and their respective members. To foster and perpetuate the best interest of the University of Alabama and its Greek Community.”
The majority of our team at The Nine graduated from The University of Alabama, so we love getting the chance to apply the skills we learned during our time there to create websites for university-affiliated groups. We wish Alabama IFC all the best as they embark on a new semester.
We apologize in advance, but there is simply not a more appropriate way to end this...
Roll Tide.